Cooling processes suited to your needs

PELLENC PERA ŒNOPROCESS designs custom-made cooling processes to meet your requirements: cooling of grapes or musts, management of fermentation temperatures, air conditioning of buildings, etc.


Coaxial corrugated tube exchangers, specifically for heat treatment:

• of the grapes
• of the musts with solids, or juice with pulp

The internal tube is spiral-wound: a shape in the form of a continuous spiral is produced by distortion of the tube. This results in increased turbulence, and therefore of exchange coefficients.
Modules are linked together by easily-detachable elbow joints.
The corrugated tubes and elbow joints form a continuous section, without restrictions or dead areas, hence no deposits can collect.

For treatment of musts and any liquid containing impurities. Simple and methodical design by multi-pass counter-flow fluid circulation.

  • Over 10,000 PHVs in service
  • Two stainless-steel sheets, pressed and assembled by continuous welding, guarantee the rigidity of the heat-transferring surface and form a continuous channel
  • Easy cleaning
  • A range of widths available from 370 to 570 mm
  • A range of lengths available from 800 to 3500 mm
  • Surface area from 0.6 to 4.2 m²
  • Surface area adapted to each tank (from 5 to 500 hl)
  • Continuous regulation of the fermentation temperatures
  • No movement of the must
  • Continuous control of the chiller requirements for each tank
  • Less risk of excessive temperatures
  • The desired temperature is always reached
  • Can be computerised and upgraded
  • Controlled from the touchscreen with real-time data: the temperature of all the tanks, their set points, and the operating status of the exchangers.
  • The new graphic control interface meets the requirements of winemakers. You can look up the temperature variations from the last 10 days or more precisely over the last 24 hours.
  • The regulation information can be exported to a computer and looked up and controlled from a computer network or over the Internet
  • For perfect and complete control of your fermentation kinetics, you can measure and record the density

PELLENC PERA ŒNOPROCESS offers turnkey solutions for cold tartaric stabilisation.

PELLENC PERA ŒNOPROCESS flash-pasteurisation modules provide microbiological stability for wines by destroying all bacterial and yeast flora.

There are several stages to flash pasteurisation:
The wine is instantly heated to 72°C
• That temperature (72°C) is maintained for 20 seconds
• Then instantly cooled to the initial temperature.

Over 700 plants (from 5,000 to 2,000,000 frigories) installed around the world
With Scroll compressors up to 250,000 frigories.
With screw-type compressor from 250,000 to 2,000,000 frigories.

Alcohol de-icing skid

Turnkey cooling process.

Air-conditioning in the winery.

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